509 W. Mann St., Glennville GA  30427
Updated On : December 11, 2018
"A Church that Serves as a Lighthouse to the Community"
(912) 654-9542

Discovery Children's Ministry

Calvary Baptist Church
Something EXCITING is happening on Wednesday Nights here at Calvary Baptist Church with our Children's Ministry and it is called 
"Discovery Children's Ministry". 

Discovery has simple, Bible centered lessons along with fun lesson-related activities, that will help children "discover" the TRUTHS of God's Word.  
Everyone in the classes will learn, and be rewarded together.  
Everything is FREE and it begins each Wednesday Night at 6:50 pm.

Discovery is for 3yrs old to 3rd Grade.

General Assembly will begin in the Multipurpose Building at 6:50 pm where children will say pledges to the Flag of the United States,  The Christian flag, and the Bible.

Children are to be picked up at 8:00 pm.

Calvary has a Junior Christians class for 4th - 8th Grades.

Calvary has a Journey class for 9th - 12 Grades.

For more information regarding our Discovery Children's Ministry please contact the church office at (912) 654-9542.